water drop

Pools use Less Water than you Might Think

California’s Drought and the Pool Industry in 2015

Pool Industry Compared to Other Industries

Economic Sector  $ (GSP 2001) / Acre Foot of Water
Rice $58
Alfalfa $65
Cotton $252
Total Agriculture $893
Orchards $927
Vineyard $1,510
Fruits & Vegetables $3,585
Schools $36,378
Food Processing $88,784
Paper & Mills $124,045
Petroleum Refining $162,274
Total Commercial $547,153
Total Industrial $574,923
Swimming Pools $903,226
Hi-Tech $949,614

Jobs Created per Industry by Water Use

Economic Sector Jobs per 1,000 Acre Feet of Water
 Rice  1
 Cotton  3
 Almond / Pistachio  6
 Total Agriculture  12
 Fruits & Vegetables  18
 Vineyard  35
 Petroleum Refining  195
 Schools  1,000
 Food Processing  1,081
 Office Buildings  2,509
 Semiconductors  9,013
 Retail Stores  10,428
 Swimming Pools  11,797

Actual Water Use of Average Pool

An average pool covers 1,200 Square Feet of Yard (475 Square Feet (Pool) + 725 Square Feet of (Concrete))

  • Year 1 average pool water use:
    Average Pool Fill (18,000) + Make-up water (14,000) = 32,000
  • Water used for 1,200 sq. ft. lawn: 44,000
  • Water savings in Fill Year: 12,000 per pool
  • Water savings every year thereafter: 30,000 per pool

Cumulative Water Use Comparison of Pool vs. Landscape (Gallons):

without Cover
with Cover
CA Friendly
Year 1  32,561  26,643  28,035  16,821
 Year 2  47,358  35,521  56,070  33,642
 Year 3  62,154  44,398  84,105  50,463
 Year 4  76,950  53,276  112,140  67,284
 Year 5  91,746  62,154  140,175  84,105
 5 Year Water Cost  $307  $208  $468  $281

Summary of the State-Wide Economic Impact of Pool Construction in 2013

In-Ground Pools Built  12,649
 Revenue for In-Ground Pools Built $ 554,944,636
 Jobs  8,234
 State Tax Impact (Payroll, Business, Increased Property Taxes)  $143,248,170
 Total Acre Feet of Water to Fill Pools  698
 Revenue per Acre Foot  $795,049
 State Tax Dollars per Acre Foot  $205,226