
1000’s of Trees in ALL Sizes—from 5 Gallon to 60″ Box
Delivery and Installation Available

These are just some of the Trees we stock, and inventory can change quickly. Please call 626-337-4818 or visit us for specific species/current availability.

american sweetgum tree in frontyard (Liquidambar styraciflua)

American Sweetgum Trees

Liquidambar styraciflua

Angel's Trumpet Tree

Angel’s Trumpet Trees

Brugmansia x candida

Fruiting Avocado Tree Closeup

Avocado Trees

Fuerte, Hass, Reed, Pinkerton, Stewart, Holiday

brisbaneboxinsidewalk Tristaniaconferta

Brisbane Box Trees

Tristania conferta (Lophostemon)

California Pepper Tree Schinus molle

California Pepper

Schinus molle

camphor Cinnamomumcamphora

Camphor Trees

Cinnamomum camphora

carrotwood tree in sidewalk

Carrotwood Trees

Cupaniopsis anacardioides

chinese flame tree in HOA entrance

Chinese Flame Trees

Koelreuteria bipinnata

ChinesePistachetree Pistaciachinensis

Chinese Pistache

Pistacia chinensis

Coast California Live Oak Tree

Coast Live Oak

Quercus agrifolia

Erythrinacaffra coraltree

Coral Trees

Erythrina caffra

Crape myrtle trees surrounded by rose shrubs

Crape Myrtle

Lagerstroemia indica

European White Birches planted in a row

European White Birch

Betula pendula

Acacia baileyana Purpurea Purple Cootamundra Wattle, Fern Leaf Acacia

Fernleaf Acacia

Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’

FloweringCherryTree Prunusserrulata

Flowering Cherry

Prunus serrulata

floweringpeartreeingrass Pyruscalleryana

Flowering Pear

Pyrus calleryana

Forest Pansy eastern redbud tree

Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’

FruitlessOliveTree Oleaeuropaea

Fruitless Olive

Olea europaea

Giant Bird of Paradise Palm Tree Strelitzia nicolai

Giant Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia nicolai

gold medallion tree Cassia leptophylla

Gold Medallion Trees

Cassia leptophylla

Jacaranda Tree Jacaranda mimosifolia


Jacaranda mimosifolia

Japanese maple Tree Acer palmatum

Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’

KingPalmTree Archontophoenixcunninghamiana

King Palms

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana

Platanus acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’ London Plane Tree trunk

London Plane Trees

Platanus acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’

Ginko biloba maidenhair tree

Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo biloba

Merlot Redbud tree Cercis canadensis

Merlot Redbud

Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’

NorfolkIslandPineTree Araucariaheterophylla

Norfolk Island Pine

Araucaria heterophylla

OklahomaRedbudTree Cercisreniformis

Oklahoma Redbud Trees

Cercis reniformis ‘Oklahoma’

Blue Palo Verde

Palo Verde Trees

Parkinsonia florida, Cercidium 'Desert Museum', Cercidium floridum, Parkinsonia aculeata

Pink Trumpet Tree Tabebuia impetiginosa

Pink Trumpet Trees

Tabebuia impetiginosa

Purple Leaf Plum Tree

Purple Leaf Plum

Prunus cerasifera ‘Krauter Vesuvius’

Pygmy Date Palm Tree, Phoenix roebelenii

Pygmy Date Palms

Phoenix roebelenii

Queen Palm Tree

Queen Palms

Syagrus romanzoffianum

Sago Palm Tree, Cycas revoluta

Sago Palms

Cycas revoluta

chorisia speciosa silk floss tree

Silk Floss Trees

Chorisia speciosa

upshotofaSilverDollarGumTree Eucalyptuspolyanthemos

Silver Dollar Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus polyanthemos

SouthernMagnoliaTree Magnoliagrandiflora

Southern Magnolia Trees

Magnolia grandiflora

Platanus racemosa California Sycamore tree upshoot

Sycamore Trees

Platanus racemosa

Tipuana Tipu

Tipu Trees

Tipuana tipu

TrianglePalmTree Dypsisdecaryi

Triangle Palms

Dypsis decaryi

Cercis occidentalis WesternRedbud tree with pink flowers

Western Redbud Trees

Cercis occidentalis

Yellow Trumpet Tree Tabebuia

Yellow Trumpet Trees

Tabebuia chrysotricha

Fruiting Trees

100s of Fruit Trees from 5 Gallon to 24″ Box

Apple Trees

4-in-1 Grafted, Granny Smith, Fuji, Dorsett Golden, Red Delicious, etc…

Apricot Trees

Blenheim, Tropic Gold, Katy, Gold Kist, Lorna, etc…

Avocado Trees

Hass, Fuerte, etc…

Banana Trees

Rajapuri, Cavendish, Musa ‘Ice Cream’,etc…

Cherimoya Trees

Vietnamese, El Bumpo, Chaffey, Honeyheart, etc…

Citrus Trees

Lemon, Lime, Orange, etc…

Fig Trees

White Kadota, Black Jack, Brown Turkey, Osborn Prolific, Black Mission, etc…

Fruiting Guava

White Indian, Mexican Cream, Beaumont, etc…

Fruiting Mulberry

Morus nigra, Morus macroura, etc…

Loquat Trees

Eriobotrya deflexa

Mango Trees

Manila, Timotayo, etc…

Papaya Trees

Caricaceae, Babaco, Mexican, etc…

Peach Trees

Babcock, Tropic Snow, Saturn, Elberta, Santa Barbara, Bonanza, etc…

Pear Trees

20th Century, Shinseiki, 4-in-1 combo, etc…

Pecan Trees

Mohawk Pecan, etc…

Persimmon Trees

Fuyu, etc…

Pineapple Guava

Feijoa Sellowiana

Plum Trees

Santa Rosa, Kelsey, Beauty Plum, Burgundy, Semi-Dwarf, etc…

Pomegranate Trees

Wonderful, Angel Red, etc…

Walnut Trees

Placentia Walnut, etc…

Other species available:
These are just a few of the species we carry. If you don’t see anything in particular you’re looking for, please give us a call or email us. We’re able to get you just about anything you’d ever want to plant in California! So please contact us for our current inventory.